Honor Guard & Color Guard

An Honor Guard and a Color Guard have been established under the authority of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial American Legion Post 295 Constitution and By Laws.  The Honor Guard /Color Guard (hereafter called a "Guard")  consists of current member in good standing of either: American Legion Post 295, Sons of the American Legion Squadron 295 and American Legion Auxiliary Unit 295.

The Guards may be utilized for any ceremony at which it is appropriate to have a military guard. There are occasions, such as a veteran's funeral, when the military has an obligation to be there. There are other occasions, such a local parade or festival, when it is good public relations to participate. 

Care must be taken that the ceremony, event, or some part of the event is not supportive of a cause or activity which may cast the American Legion in a negative or controversial light or bring discredit to the Post simply by association. 

The decision to make available a guard is at the discretion of the Post Commander.

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Honor/Color Guard Booster-Supporter
Honor Guard

The Post 295 Honor Guard performs the ceremonial function of honoring an individual or group, living or deceased, by standing guard, assisting, escorting, firing salutes, or otherwise participating in a ceremony or activity without use of the national or state color. It may be armed or unarmed. 

Exception: when a national or state color is a part of a funeral or burial ceremony as a casket drape or a folded veterans' flag, its handling may be a part of the responsibility of an Honor Guard.


Heraldry behind the Honor Guard Uniform
Black Beret
  • US Army beret
  • Many special units wore berets: Green Beret - Special Forces; Tan (formerly black) US Army Rangers; Maroon - Airborne; Blue - AF Security Forces and Red Beret - AF Para Rescue
  • 5th Special Forces Group Flash (Vietnam Era) - The 5th Group Flash was adorned with the South Vietnam Flag. Following the war the flag was removed.
  • American Legion Crest - each member wears the crest of thier organization, i.e., Legion, Sons of the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary
Gold Bib
  • Gold is the color of many military organizations, Marine Corps, Navy, Army Cavalry, Chemical, Finance and Military Police.
White Shirt
  • Legion crests on color
  • American Flag
  • Legion Patch
  • Personal military and Legion awards are authorized for wear
White Web Belt
  • Army Class A pants ($3 a pair)
  • Gold stripe to match Bib
  • Black Jump Boots, or
  • Black Combat Boot
Heraldry behind the Uniform
Black Beret
  • See description above 

Gold Bib

Type 3 Jungle Fatigues
  • American Flag
  • Legion Patch
  • Green POW/MIA patch
  • Unit patch over heart
  • Normally no awards are worn

White Web Belt

  • Black Jump Boots

Uniforms and Equipment
Beret, Vietnam Flash, Crest

Equipment. Guards will be equipped at limited expense to Post 295.


(1) Individual Equipment: Individual members are required to purchase and care for their uniforms. At some point in the future it is planned that Post 295 will have enough uniforms available to issue.


The uniform must be consistent among all member of the Guard. Bloused boots will be worn by the Guard with the Class A and battledress uniforms.


The wear of bloused boots is an not an option, it is a requirement (1) Class A or Battledress uniform may be worn as appropriate. White pistol belt and cotton gloves may be worn with the Class A and battledress uniform.


(a) Class A consists of US Army dress green uniform, coat and pants, white shirt, bloused black boots and black beret.


(b) Battledress consists of Vietnam era Reproduction Type 3 or 3rd Pattern (Slanted Pockets) Ripstop Jungle Fatigue shirt and pants. Olive drab (OD) green t-shirt and OD green socks (if visible), bloused black boots and black beret.


(2) Post Provided Equipment:


(a) Flag carriers. Flag carrier devices be white in color.


(b) Firearms. The carrying of Fireams must, in all cases, be consistent with state and local civilian laws. Participation in a Guard extends no privileges to any member not otherwise granted by the law. Side arms (handguns) will not be carried. Only Department of Defense Civilian Marksmanship Program issued U.S. service rifles equipped with blank adapters of the following patterns may be carried:


(1) M1 Garand


(2) In all cases all weapons carried by a Guard must be identical. Under no circumstances will firearms be carried loaded with ammunition, blank or otherwise. Magazine-type weapons will be carried without magazines.


(3) Honor Guards firing salutes will load with blank ammunition only immediately prior to firing. Immediately prior to beginning any ceremony which involves firing a blank salute, the person in charge of the Guard will personally inspect every cartridge, every magazine, and every magazine pouch to ensure that no live rounds, or magazines with live rounds, were inadvertently mixed with the blanks.


(3) Training: FM 22-5, Drill and Ceremony, will be the basis for all training. The manual will not be supplemented. Training may be done at any suitable location. However, drill with the use of blank ammunition will only be done on or a firing range, so as to keep the sound of firing to a minimal disturbance. At no times will firearms be discharged inside a building NRA firearm safety rules will be followed to ensure the safe handling of normal drill times, however, Guard activities may not supplant or hinder individuals' regular responsibilities.


(4) Qualification:  Upon successfully completion the training needed to execute the functions of an Color Guard or Honor Guard, and participation in a successful function members will be awarded an Honor Guard Tab. On completion of five missions an a gold aiguillette will be awarded for wear on the class A uniform.