POST 295 's


SGT Daniel Rodriguez had previously served a year long tour in Iraq during the surge of 2007. In that deployment he lost twenty of his friends to war. Dan returned from his tour in Iraq with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) caused by being in the vicinity of a plethora of roadside bombs/IEDs.

His story of adversity.

Operation Provide Comfort

Originally founded to support wounded warriors at Bethesda Naval Hospital, OPC has shifted focus to provided support and information for those who have loved ones who may be exhibiting signs of stress or PTSD.

Founded in January 2003, Legionnaires from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial American Legion Post 295 in Gaithersburg, MD have been assisted wounded and sick military members with personal care needs while they are undergoing rehabilitation at the area’s military hospitals.

There are several corporate organizations providing the support we once did. We now feel our efforts to assist our fellow servicemen and veterans is to support those who do not have access to military health care. If we can make 1 life better, then everyone wins.

Since 2003, Post 295 provided more than $10,000 

in support to our wounded warriors. However, we are in desperate need of funding. If you can donate even $5, you will help make a difference.

Because all wounds are not visible...                   PTSD SUPPORT  

Providing support for parents, spouses, brothers, sisters and concerned friends who care for a veteran or serviceman who is dealing with PTSD or the stress of deployment.


Learning about ways to live with PTSD, through compassion, meditation and mutual support and friendship.

PTSD affects everyone from Generals to Privates, family, friends, no one is immune.

Supporting Local Military Hospitals....    since 2003

OPC has conducted many different activities since it's inception in 2003. Pictured at the right are the volunteers who served more than 140 meals to the wounded warriors, thier families and staff of Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Dec 26th, 2011.


In 2004 OPC took several wounded warriors from Bethesda Naval Hospital to New York City to attend a awards presentation at the New York Athletic Club.  New York Yankee Coach Joe Torre provided tickets for the group so that they could enjoy a game at Yankee stadium in the afternoon. During the  7th inning stretch their names were displayed on at score board and were created with a standing ovation.That evening, everyone enjoyed the dinner at the NY Athletic Club. The next morning, the group stopped at ground zero and Times Square before returning to the hospital.


Many more events have occurred and are being planned. Support is always welcome.

Post 295 supports ~ Operation Warrior Wellness

Overcoming the Nightmare of Post-Traumatic Stress

Eighteen veterans will commit suicide every day—a horrific consequence of post-traumatic stress (PTS). In fact, more veterans die by suicide every year than are killed annually in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  • Over 500,000 U.S. troops deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001 suffer from PTS
  • 40% of all homeless people are veterans
  • Health care costs for all veterans with PTS are an estimated $6.2 billion biannually after practicing Transcendental Meditation. 
Iraqi Vets explains how TM relieved his TPSD Symptoms
Past - Operation Provide Comfort Videos
Eddie Wright
County Commander Bob Ouellette and Cpl Eddie Wright a Marine from Walter Reed were interviewed by WUSA's Phyllis Armstrong to promote the event. Even with the promotion, there was little turn-out. The follow on story on the 11pm news brought out more donations than the Poker Run would have raised if the ride had been successful. 
County Commander Bob Ouellette and Cpl Eddie Wright a Marine from Walter Reed were interviewed by WUSA's Phyllis Armstrong to promote the event. Even with the promotion, there was little turn-out. The follow on story on the 11pm news brought out more donations than the Poker Run would have raised if the ride had been successful. 
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz presents Cpl Eddie Wright with the Bronze Star at the Iwo Jima Marine Memorial, Memorial Day 2004. The presentation was accompanied by 2 Companies and the Marine Band from 8th & I. The Iraqi's who loked on had had one of their hands removed by Saddam Hussein for "crimes."
